
Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Handwritten notes of International Organisation - Political Science- Class 12th

               International Organisation Class 12  Political Science Handwritten notes Visit my youtube channel also... Video of this chapter is given at the end of blog... Do check it..  Check this video.. for International Organisation  International organization (part 1) Political Science - Class 12  International organization - (Part 2) - Political Science - Class 12 International organization - (Part 3) - Political Science - Class 12 

Kinship, Caste and Class - Short notes - Class 12 history

kinship, Caste and Class  class 12th humanities  History  ž Textual sources to understand social behavior of early history period - Textual traditions - Texts like – Mahabharata - Colossal epic - One of richest text of subcontinent - Central story   ž The critical edition of Mahabharata - In 1919, under the leadership of V.S. Sukthankar - Collected Sanskrit manuscripts - Selected common verses – it took 47 years to complete - Several common elements - Enormous variation , documented in footnotes and appendices ž Rules and varied practices in the early societies A] Rules about families [kinship] - Kinfolk - Not all families are identical - Familial ties - Difficult to retrieve info about ordinary families B] Rules about patriliny  - Patriliny and matriliny means - Mahabharata is a story about patriliny - Inheritance - Dynasties followed this system - Exceptional circumstances  C] Rules of marriage - Two systems – Endo...